December 16, 2006 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps 1. Official Google Blog: Here comes Measure Map2. Official Google Blog: Rumor of the day3. Acephalous: Measuring The Speed of Meme: An Experiment in which ...4. Blogger Buzz5. The Liminal Librarian: Speaking Survey: Comments From Respondents6. Blogger Developers Network7. IMS Insider: IMS is all back to front8. IMS Insider: ‘Open IMS’: could the LINUX model work?9. Welcome to - A Commonwealth Perspective.: Pants on Fire?10. Welcome to - A Commonwealth Perspective.: Next Up: Slavery!11. Bin-Blog: 'Links to this post' Option for Blogger12. Election Updates: States moving forward with their own testing regimes13. Election Updates: Joshua Tucker: paper on electoral fraud in post ...14. Gay Patriot » Conservative Judge Opposes FMA15. Cool Cat Teacher Blog: Uploading to Google Video, EdTechTalk with ...16. markdroberts.com17. The Eternal Golden Braid18. The Eternal Golden Braid19. Political Wire: Poll Finds Most Oppose Bush Censure20. Inman News - Real Estate News and Advice for Buyers, Sellers ...21. CRITICAL MASS: Our Promise to You: No Buzz Marketing22. FeuerThoughts: The life of a (well, this) software developer23. FeuerThoughts: Oracle Open World 2006 - miscellaneous meanderings ...24. content content: Can MySpace really halt the decline of teen print ...25. Enterprise Architecture: Thought Leadership: Is Enterprise Service ...26. Enterprise Architecture: Thought Leadership: Executive Jailtime ...27. b-may28. Nonprofit Accounting Boot Camp: National Economic Developement ...29. Newsletter #7-Celebration30. Newsletter #8-The Power of Transmission31. red and black hockey: Canes win again, but get bitten HARD by ...32. Silverfish Books - for people who like to read33. one red paperclip34. This demands work35. ....more semantic!: International Semantic Web Conference 2006 ...36. LocalFOSS - Open Source On The Air - MP337. Evil Bobby: Fighting Evil With Evil: Cyber-Stalked by a Guy from ...38. Evil Bobby: Fighting Evil With Evil: Foxnews Plans Answer to Jon ...39. The power of gratitude-the buddy system40. Dealing with Anger and Conflict41. The Musgrave Watch: Denver Post Prone to Pulling Politics with ...42. Sign Generator & Web 2.0 Image Creators: Hollywood Walk Of Fame Star43. Biz Stone, Genius44. Blackdrag's View: Getting a Groovy S.O.D.A45. Faster Than Light: Radio show from 20 November 2006 now podcast46. Inside AdSense47. Greg Mankiw's Blog: How to Write Well48. 4MySales Real Estate Agent Success: Incomplete Guide to Viral ...49. Palestinian Pundit: How to Lose an Army50. Palestinian Pundit: US staying the course for Big Oil in Iraq51. Google Talkabout52. Genea-Musings: this Santa Claus isn't coming to town53. Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie: News Flash-Congressman Caught ...54. The Listening Ear: Quick Reviews55. The Listening Ear: New Movies, Quickly56. Learn Discoverer Blog: Dashboards - a beginning57. Learn Discoverer Blog: Changing folder names and identifiers - the ...58. jclin :: The Life of Me & iBook: Bypass Websense, part 259. listen.60. ORACULATIONS: <b>WELCOME TO THE GULAG, THOSE WHO DARE DISAGREE</b>61. ORACULATIONS62. Bad Comedown: Pen-sized blood purifier eliminates Ebola63. Bad Comedown: Jijigaho: a review of Japanese robotics64. Dick Wall's Blog: jFlubber Reloaded65. sound of the suburbs: Nick Lowe66. Newsie8200's Penndit: Media News 11/9/0667. Newsie8200's Penndit: VOTE68. Mesothelioma Search Engine: Mesothelioma Survivor Inspires Patients69. Tech Talk: Watching for a Wii Online70. Alumni Relations in the Nordic region: Why a blog?71. Alumni Relations in the Nordic region: Corporate alumni programs72. Ergonaute Cafe: The relationship between usability and accessibility.73. Linguistic Life74. Linguistic Life75. The Belmont Club76. D1sc0r0b0t: I will never be a comedian77. Site menu:78. Lingamish (Old Blog): The Bible wasn't written to you79. Google Analytics Blog80. Seb's Open Research81. The Eternal Golden Braid82. The Eternal Golden Braid83. A New Beginning: So Much for Java Generics84. Things I'd Rather Be Doing85. The Beauty Newsletter [ Blog ]86. MySQL Index Analyzer: MySQL Index Analyzer: 0.04 released87. Surgerydoor - Health News: Young people urged to know their limits ...88. hamlib-developer: Rigserve - another approach to the Hamlib problem?89. The Influence Peddler: Fair Trade Foolishness90. The Blogger Links Benefactor - I Link To Blogs For Free91. EDUCATION WATCH92. Illinois Issues blog: What this means93. Rhino Insider: A Dynamic Duo: Ornette Coleman & Martha Gellhorn94. Bird to the North95. Supply The Word96. Blogger's Links to this Post feature is broken - TechLifeBlogged97. the Constant Observer: On Bloggers as Journalists and the Dilemma ...98. Shine: dance. lounge.: Great Deal on a place to stay in Napa99. readme: Banana Guards!100. Obiter Dicta by Steve: What's happened to France 24 Weather? Comments